Gold and silver futures trading in India scaled new all-time peaks on Monday, tracking relentless rally in international prices of the two precious metals amid no sign of relief on the macro-economic front.
Falling value of the rupee, which plays a major role in determining the landed cost of the dollar-denominated gold, also had an impact on gold prices.
At the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), gold for delivery in December surged Rs. 1,408 or 0.2% to hit a record of Rs. 28,347 per 10 grams with a business turnover of 279 lots.
The yellow metal for October settlement rose Rs. 70 or 0.18% to Rs. 28,024 per 10 grams with a turnover of 5,990 lots.
Meanwhile, silver prices on the MCX rose by Rs. 364, or 0.55% to Rs. 66,625 per kg with a business turnover of 12,099 lots.
The white metal for December delivery gained Rs. 349 or 0.37% to Rs. 68,050 per kg with a trade turnover of 76 lots. For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today
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