Sunday, December 19, 2010

list for consider adding some less conventional resolutions 2011

list for consider adding some less conventional resolutions 2011 ; Lose weight, exercise more and many more pledges are typical New Year resolutions. This coming year, however, your resolutions should not be so typical.

In fact, perhaps they should be influenced by the economy. You may want to consider adding some less conventional resolutions to your 2011 list.

1. How do you want to be remembered?
This can make the most difference to your daily lifestyle as you will have to consider how you want to be remembered when you are gone, so treat everyday as if it were your last. The resolution to maintain a selfless motivational perspective can indeed make things happen that otherwise may never occur.

2. Save save save
Keep paying your debts if you have any. Live well within your means. Stop trying to keep up with your neighbours and friends and save. But don’t just save, resolve to increase your savings by another ten per cent. This is the best resolution you can make.

Pay yourself first, which means you save before you spend. The best way to do this is by setting up a direct debit straight into a savings account. By making it automatic, you remove the temptation to spend.

3.Think about contributing to your life insurance
Make sure you invest in the most favourable investment option that will give you the most reasonable growth potential. For those with children or other dependants, life insurance is important. However, if you don’t have anyone who relies on you for financial support, then there’s no need to spend your hard-earned money on a life insurance policy just yet.

4. Get to grips with your money and plan for the future
Spend an hour each month reviewing your finances, including saving investment and insurance. Set yourself one or two realistic financial goals to adhere to this coming year. These could be paying off or reducing your debt, saving for something special and so forth. Don’t worry if you don’t manage these resolutions in one go. Just choose a couple to start off with and see how things go. Even small steps make a difference.

5. Get round to making a Will
In 2011, don’t let your excuse for not writing your Will be because you simply haven’t gotten round to doing it. Getting your last wishes down in an official contract should be top of your financial resolutions, especially if you have dependants. Knowing that your loved ones will be cared and provided for will be a huge weight off your mind.
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