It makes computer vendors expect a lot on their sales in Indonesia, including computer vendors from China: Lenovo. "Global Lenovo expects Indonesia to be 'The Next Growth Engine'," said Sandy. Lenovo Indonesia itself, Sandy said, until now a top contributor to the overall computer sales in the ASEAN region. "In terms of unit sales, the biggest Indonesian in ASEAN," Sandy explains.
The amount of the total population and low penetration of computers makes Lenovo computer sales growth in Indonesia cope with countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, or Burma. "Indonesia has a contribution of up to 25 percent of all sales in ASEAN," said Sandy.
Meanwhile, according to IDC, sales of computers in the Asia Pacific region including Japan, reaching almost 35 percent compared with last year. Sales of portable computers in almost all countries experienced an annual growth reached double digits.
In Indonesia, itself a computer vendor Lenovo is ranked fifth under Acer, HP, Dell, and Toshiba. In Indonesia, Lenovo will still focus on selling computers in the corporate and enterprise-class. "While computer sales in this segment is still around in numbers 100 thousand units per quarter, however, could still serve as the backbone of our strategy," said Sandy. For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today