10. Free coffee is available in several locations for New Years Eve and the early hours on New Years morning. Several convenience stores are participating as well as many parkways and toll ways. Happy New Year, be safe.
9. The British love coffee according to foodbev.com (December 17). Coffee shops have increased in the United Kingdom by 12 percent. Samuel Adams is smiling somewhere.
8. Due to several factors, droughts in some areas, too much rain in other areas and due to an increasing demand for coffee, coffee prices will increase in 2011.
7. In July Reuters reported that moderate coffee use was fine during pregnancy.
6. American Airlines announced that it will serve only Rainforest Alliance, eco-friendly coffee on all flights. Rainforest Alliance goal is to help ranchers and farmers maintain sustainable farms. For full information see their site: http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/
5. The coffee berry borer has invaded Kona coffee farms. This bug is notoriously difficult to kill. The female bores through the berries to the bean and lays her eggs. The larvae feast on the bean. Severe damage is likely.
4. Starbucks will open its own coffee farm in Yunnan, China.
3. Brazil and Vietnam manipulate coffee prices by stockpiling beans.
The Associated Press on September 6 stated that Sen. Charles Schumer asked them not to do it. With the several weather related concerns coffee prices have already been raised. Stockpiling coffee would pull more coffee off of the market.
2. April 1 Starbucks announced two new sizes. T
he Plenta is a 128 ounce cup that can be recycled as a lampshade and the micra, a two ounce sip of coffee. But don’t go looking for them at your local shop or even on Starbucks website. It was only posted on April Fool’s day.
1. The newest trend in coffee comes from a bean that is first digested by a cat.
Well, it’s not exactly a cat, but a cat-like animal that loves fresh grown coffee beans. The Kopi Luwak or Civet Cat eats the beans and breaks down the protein in the bean as it digests. These proteins are responsible for making coffee bitter. Indonesians have discovered that there is no smoother cup of coffee than that which comes from the bean previously eaten by the cat.
This fact is interesting enough. But since Indonesia has a large population of Muslims; the question arose if it was ok to drink coffee from a bean that was pooped out from a cat. Thankfully it was reported by the Belfast Telegraph (July 19, 2010) that as long as the beans are cleaned after the cat is done with them, everything should be fine. For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today
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