coffee prices news for April 26 2011
Global prices inspire Uganda coffee exports
Improvement in international prices, prompting players at all levels to let go of the stocks in their possession pushed Uganda's export quantities in March to level highs ever experienced in the last two coffee years. The relatively high realised prices are said to be a response to market fundamentals of supply tightness, continued running down of stocks vis-a-vis increasing consumption.
Colombian coffee prices at near record high
The price of Colombian smooth arabica coffee closed Friday at $3.2293 per pound, its highest price for 34 years according to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), Portafolio reported Monday. Read More...
Vietnam Coffee-April loading rises, discounts widen
Vietnam's April coffee exports jumped an estimated 30.3 percent from the same month in 2010 to 155,000 tonnes, or 2.58 million bags, exceeding market expectations, the agriculture ministry said. Read More...
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