Saturday, December 17, 2011

gold, silver trading tips december 19 2011

gold, silver trading tips december 19 2011 ; Gold: 1599.00 – down US $ 111 on the week. The ferocity of the liquidation seen last week was surprising surprise, but the relatively thin market conditions lent themselves to extraordinary moves. There are quite a lot of analysts and commentators who are predicting the end of the bull market, but ENBD analysts do not subscribe to this scenario, at least not yet.

The situation in the US, and more importantly in the Eurozone, will stay relevant for some time to come. The world economic picture looks a little brighter, but the looming recession in the Eurozone makes it difficult to view this as more than a temporary phenomenon. Physical buying in Dubai and UAE market seemed as finished for the year, but on Thursday, 15th December there was excellent buying from customers resembling strongly the heydays in August/September. Customers obviously view the prices under US $ 1600 as a bargain.

Physical gold
was trading recently with a discount of up to US $ 1 under London Fixing, but this discount has been eliminated during the trading of the last couple of days. The physical markets experiences lately a down-change a trend, but hopefully it helps to put a bottom in place, at least in the short term.

EFP Spot Gold to December Comex: $ 2.30
ETF: Holdings down to 2420 tons overall
Support: 1562 and 1535
Resistance: 1640 and 1665

29.70 – down US $ 2.48 on the week. Silver was outperforming gold again on the downside with prices sliding 12.5 per cent at its lowest level (28.15). The price levels recovered to a slightly more respectable US $ 29.70, but silver will remain totally dependent on the direction taken by gold, according to ENBD. The investment community has abandoned silver and it is very much likely that silver will simply act as an amplifier for gold and more sporadically for the Platinum Group Metals (PGM`s).

Option volatilities midrates: Silver atm (at the money)
ETF: The total holdings 14850 tons
Support: 28.12 and 26.52
Resistance: 30.80 and 31.65

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gold prices 19 2011, gold futures Resistance level dec 19 2011, silver prices forecast december 19 2011, silver futures dec 19 2011, will gold prices week 19/12/2011, silver price dec 19 2011
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