One way to lend money to the government is through buying Retail Treasury Bonds (RTB) issued by the Bureau of the Treasury. RTB's are government securities which are considered unconditional obligations of the sovereign state. It is backed by the full taxing power of the government. Therefore, government securities are practically free from default. In other words, there is very little risk in investing in these securities.
10-year treasury bonds’ yield rises
The yield on the 10-year treasury bonds inched up Tuesday to an average of 5.657 percent, or 17.2 basis points—higher than the 5.485 percent for the previous issue that was awarded last September. Also, Tuesday’s average was 5.74 basis points less than the 5.7144 percent yield for done deals in the secondary market. ReadMore..
Gov't says no need to use foreign debt allocation
The government sees no need at present to raise the remaining $500 million of planned foreign borrowing for 2011, and it would keep its domestic debt program as is given its comfortable cash position, a senior government official said on Wednesday. Manila raised a record P110 billion ($2.57 billion) from the sale of retail Treasury bonds last month, and it looks certain to beat its budget deficit goal of P300 billion this year with the nine-month shortfall just 18% of the full year target. ReadMore..
Rate of 10-year Treasury Bond up
The average rate of the Philippines’ 10-year Treasury Bond (T-Bond) rose during the auction held by the Bureau of the Treasury (BTr) Tuesday. The rate of the debt paper jumped by 17.2 basis points to 5.657 percent against the 5.485 percent it fetched last September 15. The auction committee awarded P9 billion even as total tenders were more than double the offering and reached P23.88 billion. ReadMore..
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