Thursday, March 10, 2011

OAI Advises Consumers on Rental Auto Insurance

OAI Advises Consumers on Rental Auto Insurance ; Figuring out whether to purchase rental car insurance can be a tough decision. To help motorists figure out whether this type of coverage is a needless expense or a necessary investment, has published a new FAQ on the topic.

According to the writers of the FAQ, most liability, comprehensive and collision coverages will extend to a vehicle rented by the policyholder. However, it is always important to check with an insurance provider or agent first to make sure that the policies in place will in fact cover the rented car, as well as whether the extension of coverage is dependent on who is driving the car at the time of the accident.

But even though collision and comprehensive automobile insurance coverage will generally protect against damages to the rented auto, there are other loss issues particular to rental agencies that the average policy may not cover.

For example, since a rental agency’s flow of income is dependent on having a fleet of cars at the ready to be rented, having one of those cars in the shop for repairs means that car isn’t available to customers for checkout. In effect, the agency is losing money on that vehicle, and it can file for loss-of-use damages to be collected from the driver who was driving the vehicle when it was damaged.


When renting a car in a foreign country, says ponying up and purchasing the rental coverage is recommended, since the American policy may not cover any car—much less a rental— outside of US borders.

For those who use rental cars frequently, insurers may also offer rental protection as an add-on to their existing policies.

To access the full, more-detailed FAQ, readers can go to where they can click on the “Questions” link located at the top of any page on the site to access the FAQ library.
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