Monday, December 20, 2010

Source code Google Android 2.3 released

Source code Google Android 2.3 released And already available for the Samsung Galaxy S : Google has released the source code for its recent Android 2.3/Gingerbread update, meaning new builds and custom ROMs can be created. Google confirmed the update is not only going to be available for smartphones, but also those with 'extra large screens, such as tablets.'

"The source code for the Android 2.3 platform and software stack has been released! This release allows OEMs to begin preparing Android 2.3 for installation on new and existing devices, and allows hobbyists, enthusiasts, and researchers to develop custom builds."

From the Nexus to the Galaxy

To that end, XDA Developers Forum has already been hard at work to develop a custom ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S, although this is a port from the Google Nexus S running on the similarly-specced handset, rather than one based on the new source code release.

It's not for the faint of heart as yet, given that certain aspects (such as GPS and Wi-Fi) are not quite functioning, but it won't be long until the Android rooters among us will have the next-gen software on a current-gen device
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