Saturday, July 3, 2010

Treat guise, Shaman Young Widows Old raped

Treat guise, Shaman Young Widows Old raped ; Under the pretext of treating patients, men do abuse the shaman profession. Old man was Paidi (62) villagers Bangle, District Lengkong, Nganjuk. Just call the perpetrators allegedly molested Sandra (27) who were still neighbors. Perpetrators of such deeds is revealed, after the families of the victims reported to police.

"The catch is the first time and began the Lengkong Police reports victim's family. Since this has something to do with the core duties of PPA, its handling
delegated to the district police, "police Reskrim visible light Nganjuk Ariawibawa PPA Anggakusuma, when being met reporters in Mapolres, Saturday (07/03/2010).

Ariawibawa explained, sexual abuse started when Sandra is known as a childless widow often complained pain in the abdomen. Upon the complaint, his family mengobatkan to Paidi known as the 'smart people' in the village.

From a series of treatments to be performed on the victim's home, Paidi
ask for their implementation was moved to his home. He argued, victims of disease severe enough and need to get serious treatment. Believe the explanation Paidi, Sandra's family permits.

Getting the mandate to do treatment, actually abused by Paidi
confine the victim for four days at his home. During that period, too, victims
claimed to have been sexually abused. Although initially did not dare tell the family, Sandra
finally ventured to escape and express what they experienced.

"Based on reports we have received, during the treatment was groped by the victim
some parts of his body, "explained Ariawibawa.

Meanwhile, Paidi met in Mapolres Nganjuk denied all charges. He confessed to the treatment seriously, which proved to illnesses suffered by the victim is recovering. "Sakjane sampun start sae, nggih duko kok akhire ngonten ngatos story. (Sebenarnyta already starting to improve, do not know why you up stories like that)," he said lightly.

Although denied, the police does not necessarily liberate Paidi from all suspicion. He, today must be curled up in a cell and threatened to get Mapolres Nganjuk
punishment. For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today

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