Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tips to buy Facebook IPO shares 2012 during public offering

Tips to buy Facebook IPO shares 2012 during public offering ; Do not get embarrassed if you do not got any share last time but follow these tips to maximize your chances of getting Facebook IPO shares 2012. Try to buy shares from investment bankers, as company hires financial advisers for offering stock to investors. You can check the details of these advisers from IPO prospectus or from Securities and Exchange Commission Edgar database.

There are cases where investment bankers are not giving you investment rights then next option to opt, is to buy stocks from secondary market which includes SharesPost and Second Market which has emerged as the largest trading network in private shares company. These days, formalities and requirements for buying stock are easier to manage. It offers more flexibility in terms of regulations and accessing market graph. In order to get shares from them, you have to pay some fee to them.

If you are not interested to pay any fee to these secondary markets then Invest in IPO focused funds. You have many choices of mutual funds and ETF available these days which basically focus on profit sharing potential of the IPO but require you to invest larger funds in scenario which is equivalent to seven figures. Another way is to buy on seventh day of trading and selling it on 1,000 day. This also gives one-third profit to investor.

You can also buy it from stock market with no barrier to resist. Just get it after IPO release and plan here is to invest for the long term. Do not be a short term investor, be patient while trading stocks in market. You can also invest on investors on top growth mutual funds participating in the market. It reduces profit share up to some extent but for short term investors, it is best way to handle shares.

It will be better for you to start your homework as earlier as possible because Facebook IPO share allotment is not going to be much easier for regular investors. Try your luck for grand lottery ticket, may be you are right one for the ticket and best of luck for hot piece of Facebook IPO's. For the latest updates on the stock market, visit Stock Market Today
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