Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to get Facebook IPO share 2012 during initial public release

How to get Facebook IPO share 2012 during initial public release : World's largest social networking website Facebook is planning to launch its IPO next year. The analyst did valuation share of Facebook and come to know that it is having $ 100 billion valuation but it is according to the recent revenue earned by the Facebook during first six months in year 2012. Many investors want to invest their funds in Facebook IPOs but problem is with their allotment such that most of investors do not have any share to enjoy.

Last week, When LinkedIn hit the market then it delivers quick growth in its share which is almost double to that of its initially released price. Only the lucky investors got it during initial public offerings. Many regular investors are not able to own single share and will be ruled out of the show. It requires strong social network with the Company management or must have high investing network with strong roots then only you are allotted with some shares to enjoy. During LinkedIn public offering, same case happened with many investors who had hard time during initial offerings.

LinkedIn comes with share price of $ 45 for investors but most investors do not have any shares. The ones, who got shares, enjoyed its growth from $ 45 to $ 115 during some hour's time. Investors who do not have any share still have many questions in their mind. They want to know "how they get Facebook IPO's shares?", there are multiple options for an investor to invest in IPO's of stock. Yes, both big investors and small investors can have shares during public offerings but require some tips to follow. For the latest updates on the stock market, visit Stock Market Today
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