Friday, December 16, 2011

Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb 2012

Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb 2012 : In less than three weeks, the Iowa Caucus will begin the painstaking selection of a presidential candidate. This is when polls, punditry and prognostication become fact. So... who represents the party now? Conservative? Moderate? Religious Right? Washington Lifer? Libertarian?

Who will be the figurehead, the titular leader of the New Conservative movement, so in vogue only one short year ago? Twelve months on, where does the Grand Old Party find its voice?

Will This Year's Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb Match 2007
The Ron Paul campaign is much better organized than it was four years ago, but with all the money bombs and fundraisers held so far, do the rank and file of the Ron Paul Revolution have another $6 million day left in them? Stock Market Today

The Ron Paul Factor
In 2010, it was anti-big-government, no-tax-under-any-circumstances, anti-union, anti-entitlements, anti-Obama. By January of this year, Republicans were taking half of the legislative branch and turning the United States Senate into a stalemate. Feels like only yesterday the Liberal Revolution of 2008 and its president was all-but finished. Stock Market Today

Now! Ron Paul Tea Party Moneybomb - December 16, 2011
There are many that are not enthusiastic about donating money for political causes. From what I've seen, it is a small percentage of actual supporters that donate anything. Stock Market Today

2012 Election ,Elections 2012 ,Ron Paul, Iowa Caucuses , Ron Paul 2012 , ron paul, the blaze, ron paul 2012, republican debate, newt gingrich,
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