Download all California sales tax rates by zip code
The Los Angeles County Sales Tax is collected by the merchant on all qualifying sales made within Los Angeles County Read More..
Los Angeles real-estate sales
The second-largest U.S. city by population has whittled the deficit to a projected $238 million in the current fiscal year, from $529 million in the year that ended in June 2010, Chief Administrative Officer Miguel Santana said today in a report. Further reductions aren’t likely without additional revenue because of a projected 4.2 percent annual increase in costs such as salaries, pensions, health care, and workers’ compensation, Read More..
Congress eyes online sales tax
In California, for example, Orange County charges 7.75 percent sales tax, but Los Angeles County charges 8.75 percent. Moreover, many states charge sales tax on food, but California exempts it. Read More..
Santa Clara County approves, San Jose rejects, sales tax measures
The sales tax in San Jose and most of Santa Clara County currently stands at 8.375 percent, after an eighth-cent countywide sales tax kicked in on July 1 to fund Bay Area Rapid Transit, as approved by voters in 2008. Only Campbell has a higher rate, 8.625 percent, after voters approved a quarter-cent city sales tax in 2009. Read More..
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