Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Germany stock DAX futures prices forecast 2012

Germany stock DAX futures prices forecast 2012 : Germany's blue-chip DAX index was seen rising 7 percent to 6,500 by end-2012 as euro zone policymakers step up efforts to tackle the region's debt crisis, according to a quarterly Reuters poll on Thursday. The benchmark was also expected to reach 6,200 points by mid-2012, the median in a poll of 23 strategists and down from a forecast for 6,500 in the September poll.

Since September, the Greek debt crisis has spread to other euro zone countries, including Italy. The 17-nation currency bloc will face a critical summit next week, seen by investors as possibly the last chance to avert a break-up of the union.

"Even if a solution emerges, the problem will not be solved tomorrow," said Florian Weber, executive at Schnigge Wertpapierhandelsbank, who expected the DAX to fall to 5,000 by mid-2012, the lowest estimate in the poll. "It is important to increase income of the states in crisis and to make them competitive again. And that will take three to four years." For the latest updates on the stock market, visit Stock Market Today

DAX futures prices predictions 2012, Germany blue-chip 2012, Dax 2012, will dax futures prices 2012, Greek debt crisis
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