Monday, July 11, 2011

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation news july 11 2011

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation news july 11 2011 : The dinar collapsed after the United States invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam. Prior to U.S. invasion, the Iraqi currency was trading over USD3 to one Iraqi dinar on the strength of the country's massive oil industry. After the collapse, the dinar was trading significantly lower. At one point, a single dollar purchased one thousand Iraqi dinar.

U.S. national debt will exceed $14.5 trillion by the end of the summer.

Speculators began to take positions in 2004 hoping someday, the dinar would recover and the UN economic sanctions would be lifted, allowing the currency to be revalued. Since then, there has been much speculation regarding how and when that would occur.

However, the Treasure does say it did an initial currency swap with Iraq to fund their government and Ministries...

Exactly how many dinars were traded is not mentioned, but it does make reference to “billions of U.S. dollars” traded to Iraq.

About two months ago, Iraqi dinars could no longer be purchased; the recent Dodd Frank bill appears to have legislation related to the revaluation of a foreign currency and preventing mass hysteria.

From what I have been able to gather, it sounds like this plan was originally put together by George Bush, Dick Cheney, Alan Greenspan, and others years ago as a way for the U.S. government to be repaid (read: get kickbacks) for their efforts in Iraq.

Experts speculate the U.S. government received nearly 4 trillion Iraqi dinars at an exchange rate of 4,000 dinar to USD1.

If this is even close to true — and the UN allows Iraq to revalue their currency up to USD1: one Iraqi dinar — the U.S. government would stand to profit in trillions... as would anyone else who speculated on the dinar over the years.

Bush’s statement, “This is a war that will pay for itself,” will be true 10 times over. Check out how the House of Saud got taken for $267 billion of their own crude oil.

Speculating on these matters, however, is essentially useless. There is little to nothing that can be done to change it now.

Rather, our attention should be focused on what we can do to protect ourselves and establish security for the future before the house of cards finally topples.

And I maintain the best place for investors right now is portfolio positions in physical precious metals, quality mining and mineral exploration stocks, and more recently, cash.

I typically don't keep a lot of cash in my trading accounts. But I think it's important to keep a little cash in your portfolios right now, because I believe we will see some exceptional buying opportunities within the junior mining sector in the next six to eight weeks.
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