Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Iraqi Dinar news april 25 2012

Iraqi Dinar news april 25 2012, iraqi dinar rumors today 25/4/2012 , Recently, rumors have left many to feel that the Iraqi Dinar is a currency which cannot be freely exchanged. However, Dinar Trade provides the largest liquid market for Iraqi Dinars, and has the capabilities of trading virtually any amount of Iraqi Dinars whether you are buying or selling the currency.

Concern is growing as the dollar price in Kurdistan Region markets, in particular towards the Iraqi Dinar, continues to be unstable.

Over the last few weeks the price of dollar and gold has risen because of the political crises in Iraq and the long-delayed government budget, the increasing price of gold is linked to the instability of dollar prices, and now one unit of 21 gold karats is 298,000, which is very high. the dinar price against the dollar is going down, and $100 stopped at 128.5 IQD today".

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