Sunday, April 3, 2011

Duluth property transactions for April 4, 2011

Duluth property transactions for April 4, 2011
Submitted April 1

214 N. 12th Ave. E., Bact Properties LLC purchased from Pioneer National Bank for $80,000, commercial (with buildings), 3/11.

517 N. 17th Ave. E., Thomas, Jane and Caleb Anderson purchased from US Bank National Association for $106,500, residential, 3/11.

1145 Brainerd Ave., James P. Glowacki purchased from Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for $94,400, residential, 3/11.

1122 Chester Park Drive, Nathaniel L. and Amy M. Brugge purchased from Thomas V. and Patricia A. Hamon for $226,000, residential, 3/11.

711 E. First St., JAS Duluth LLC purchased from Robert G. Johnson for $64,285, apartment, 2/11.

5715 Juniata St., Timothy, Cheryl and Jake Walsh purchased from Nels, Angus, Elling and M. Solum for $125,000, residential, 3/11.

116 N. Seventh Ave. E., JAS Duluth LLC purchased from Robert G. and Diane N. Johnson for $60,000, apartment, 2/11.

4732 W. Seventh St., Jane A. Olson purchased from John J. and Ruth G. Foley for $155,900, residential, 3/11.

6030 E. Superior St., Apt. 204, Kamal Shehla purchased from Red Pine Development LLC for $192,500, residential, 3/11.

3301 Technology Drive, Tischer Creek Duluth Building Co. purchased from George II and Jane C. Hovland for $825,000, commercial - bare land, 11/10.

212 E. Willow St., George Suonvieri purchased from Federal National Mortgage Association for $131,500, residential, 3/11.

225 W. Winona St., Neil J. Olson and Joanna M. Conkel purchased from Jeremiah and Socorro G. Krube for $185,000, residential, 3/11.

1510 Yosemite Ave., Eh Pooled 1210 LP purchased from Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. for $14,121, residential, 2/11.
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