The price of cotton for December delivery rose 3.58 cents to $ 1.2526 per pound. Earlier this week reached a high $ 1.305 a pound before it retreated a bit.
Commodity Watch: Digging deep for tin
The biggest mover of last week was tin, which shot up by 8% - contributing to a four-week increase of 11%. Shortfalls of supply have contributed to the price rise, as heavy users of solder - such as the electronics industry - continue to demand the commodity.Read More...
Smart texts tell when to water
WATER is a big player in the gross margin and efficiency of any irrigation operation, so one new tool helping farmers to use less without reducing crop quality has been warmly welcomed.Read More...
US cotton rises for third day as mills rush to buy
NEW YORK, Feb 2 (Reuters) - U.S. cotton futures jumped fornthe third straight day on Wednesday, settling up the daily limit, as Asian mills fueled the rally on average volume. Read More... For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today
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