Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Else Will Cost You More In 2011

What Else Will Cost You More In 2011 : SIOUX FALLS, SD - Last night on Your Money Matters we told you about rising prices in 2011, from your morning coffee to airline tickets. The price of cars is also on the rise as well as the cost to insure them. Here's what else makes the list of rising costs in the coming year:

Dollar fast food menus are also going away, with McDonald's leading the change.

"I don't think we'll see anymore two cheeseburgers for price of one, at least not for a while. But it will gradually happen; not on February first, not all go away. I have a suspicions there will be some profound changes in pricing in fast food restaurants," Augustana Marketing Professor Jaciel Keltgen said.

Apple started raising its prices on iTunes last year and that's expected to continue in 2011.

"It's a great example of creating demand and then increasing prices. Most people still thinking $1.29 is affordable for a download. I don't think a 30 cent increase is outrageous. But when they double it to $1.89 then maybe people will start thinking, do I really need that?" Keltgen said.

Keltgen says people shouldn't panic about rising prices, but it's good to be prepared.

"But these are forecasted costs. It's not anything carved in stone. Things may change. But I think it's going to be important for Americans to be budget conscious, decide what's important and spend accordingly," Keltgen said.
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