Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bank Commission Boss Calls For Reforms

Bank Commission Boss Calls For Reforms ; Banks have been condemned for their "spectacular" failure to minimise risk by the head of the commission responsible for their reform.

Sir John Vickers accused banks of being lax in the run-up to the financial crisis and making the catastrophe far worse for taxpayers.

Sir John Vickers accused banks of being lax in the run-up to the financial crisis and making the catastrophe far worse for taxpayers.

The chairman of the Independent Commission on Banking insisted the economic disaster was only "severe weather" rather than a "perfect storm".

He said major reforms were needed - although he stopped short of backing a full split between banks' retail and investment arms.

He said the way investment banks felt they were too big to fail was a "distortion" that must be "neutralised or contained". Read More...
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