Saturday, December 4, 2010

Social media help for job seekers

Social media help for job seekers ; Some would say that technology has taken away from the personal touch. But it has given job seekers more one-on-one contact with prospective employers. GoldMail is a social media tool that allows you to create a video resume. You could say that it puts a face with a name.

"We have an area where the candidate or anybody using GoldMail can read so they can create a script ahead of time and then actually read it so you sound polished and professional," said GoldMail spokesperson, Sid Scheck. The service recently teamed up with another company that's trying to change the landscape for job seekers.

TweetMyJobs is a service that helps match employees with employers.

"Job seekers can literally get a message on their cell phone and instantly hear about their next position," TweetMyJobs CEO Gary Zukowski told NewsChannel 5.

It pulls in social media sites like Facebook , Twitter and Linked-In. But soon, it will also tap into GoldMail too.

"The company has some unique ways that they're helping candidates market themselves on the internet using Twitter and other social media sites as well," said Scheck.

Another example of how social media can give a boost to your job hunt.

"The market is still tough for job seekers to find work and anything to give those job seekers a leg up to find their next position could be the difference between getting an interview or not," said Zukowski.
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