Wednesday, December 8, 2010

SHOPS have been told to demand ID from people under 25 who want to buy Christmas crackers

SHOPS have been told to demand ID from people under 25 who want to buy Christmas crackers - under daft new EU rules ; The festive novelties have been classed as a category 1 firework in the Pyrotechnic Articles Safety Regulations. Anyone aged 16 and over can buy crackers. But under a policy called Challenge 25 those who look younger than 25 will have to prove their age.

The rules are already used to ensure youngsters do not buy alcohol, tobacco and regular fireworks. And cashiers can face six months in prison and fines of up to £5,000 for selling crackers to under-age customers.

The British Retail Consortium last night slammed the barmy rule. But it also said stores must comply or face a crackdown from Trading Standards - who will be monitoring shops over the Christmas period.

The BRC's Jane Bevis said:
"Shoppers will be frustrated if they are asked to provide ID to buy a bag of Christmas crackers. No one wants children to be able to buy things which are dangerous or bad for their health, but extending rules for fireworks to cover the kind of bang provided by a cracker seems particularly daft."

Paul Fineman, chief executive of International Greetings, which makes crackers for the Queen, said: "The rule sounds crackers, potty and frankly mind-blowing. I'd say pull the other one."
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