Stocks Market today. The market showed moderate growth, which is the technical bounce off after drop yesterday. The shares of fertilizers’ and ferrous metals producers added most. Market tomorrow. We assume that while there is no foreign negative the per-New Year rally might continue within several more days.
Market today. Ruble debt market as expected traded at low volumes today. The bond congress attracted all the attention of the investors. Along with that the following issues should be outlined among the single deals: Sibmetinvest-1, MTS-8, OGK-5 – the most active trades were indicated on them. At the Russian Eurobond market slight correction continued during the daytime session. The price of loan Russia-30 lowered by another 12 b.p. to 116.27% of the nominal value.
Market tomorrow. Reduction of the number of claims for unemployment, which exceeded the expectations, added optimism. So likely due to that the yield of UST will up at the evening session. Yield of the Russian Eurobonds recently followed the Treasuries. So at the market the sale might be indicated. At the domestic debt market things remain the same: the investors will still be at the bonds conference, and the activity of trades was not high.
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