Sunday, December 19, 2010

News Investment Strategies for the Other Precious Metal in 2011

News Investment Strategies for the Other Precious Metal in 2011 : Forecasting prices for anything can be tricky. And a precious-metal commodity such as silver is no exception. With gold holding the leash on its "lapdog" - silver - the performance of the so-called "yellow metal" holds the key to silver prices in the New Year. Here's why: For several years leading up to the 2008 stock-market panic, it typically took 55 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. Today, a gold ounce will cost you 50 ounces of silver.

The message: There's been a fundamental shift, where precious metals investors see silver as the "more-affordable" true-money option. So, I expect this newer 50:1 ratio to hold, and perhaps to even decline - which portends a relative outperformance for silver versus gold.

And that brings me back to my price prediction. If we use the current 50:1 ratio - and my expectation that gold will be trading at $1,900 an ounce by the end of 2011 - I believe we're looking at a target price for silver of $38 an ounce.

That represents a 33% return over the approximate price of $28.50 an ounce at which silver was trading at midday yesterday (Wednesday). That's a target I believe to be very realistic, given the times. Read More...
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