Wednesday, December 8, 2010

FSA deserve a Turner prize for secrecy over RBS report ALEX BRUMMER

FSA deserve a Turner prize for secrecy over RBS report ALEX BRUMMER ; The louder Lord Turner protests that the public would learn nothing from the publication of a report into the events which led to the implosion of the Royal Bank of Scotland, the more one wants to see it. RBS was no ordinary bank. Before it ran out of cash in September 2008 it had one of the largest bank balance sheets in the world and was regularly described as the globe's sixth largest bank.

Not only did it have to be bailed out by the British government - to the tune of 84pc - but by the US Federal Reserve too. Indeed, were it not for the openness of the Bank of England and the Fed, which disclosed the scale of central bank subventions, we would have been ignorant of its liquidity problems.
Despite RBS's central position in global finance the FSA is standing firm against publication of the PricewaterhouseCoopers investigation into what went wrong. This PwC probe was considered good enough to exonerate Sir Fred Goodwin and the board from any wrongdoing but apparently is not worthy of release to the republic.

One version of events says that it would take a team of five or six people up to six months to turn the data that the FSA has on RBS into a proper narrative. If that choice were made (we imagine that Business Secretary Vince Cable would approve) it would be a small price to pay given the billions of pounds that long term shareholders in RBS as well as taxpayers have had to pay to keep the bank afloat.

In an opinion page article in the FT Turner sought to summarise the events which led to RBS's demise.

He remarkably argues that the FSA did not think it was part of its remit to pre-vet the disastrous purchase of ABN Amro - some two months after the Northern Rock crisis. Given that the former prime minister Gordon Brown regards that deal as the final straw which pushed RBS over the edge the failure by the FSA to act needs forensic examination.

Turner argues that in retrospect the judgement of risk and return by the RBS board was poor but anyone could have made the same mistakes. Such a conclusion is far too complacent.

The reality is that the due diligence by RBS and its advisers on ABN Amro was faulty and the level of disclosure to investors entirely unsatisfactory. Shareholders were marched into a £12bn rights issue in the first half of 2008 on the basis of what many would now allege was a false prospectus.

We need to know who made these decisions, who provided the bad advice and how do we stop it happening again. The idea that confidentiality demands these issues are handled behind closed doors is preposterous.

Britain has a healthy tradition of conducting full and frank inquiries under the auspices of the old Department of Trade and/or the Board of Banking Supervision which was superseded by the FSA.

The Treasury, which is the FSA's sponsoring department, should order Turner to at the very least publish the PwC findings or even better order up a more comprehensive report to be released as soon as possible.

In October 2008 the massive recapitalisation of Britain's banking system was carried through by the government in a matter of days. Producing a report on the events which led to the bailout and the lessons learnt ought to be relatively simple.

Making a mark

So activist investors do have their uses after all? The pressure exerted by Pershing Square Capital Management on Fortune Brands to release value looks to have worked with the announced break-up of the drinks to golfing group.

This will put some of America's most famous liquor brands including Jim Beam and Maker's Mark in play for the first time in an industry where many attractive brands, such Barcardi, are deeply embedded in complex family ownership.

Diageo chief executive Paul Walsh has made no secret of his interest in adding an American whisky brand to its globe beating portfolio. The investment banks will be knocking on his door.

Carr's agenda

The choice of Roger Carr as the next president of the CBI is sound. His experience as the chairman of Cadbury, during the hard fought bid from Kraft, means that he is well equipped to know the challenges facing British companies.

Carr is a strong believer in unfettered markets and rejects any form of protectionism. Nevertheless, he thinks that Britain has left its doors open far too wide to foreign takeovers and a broader public interest test might be worth considering.

Among other things, as we are now seeing with Kraft-Cadbury, overseas deals are eroding the nation's tax base and good corporate citizenship. These need to be re-established.

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