Sunday, August 29, 2010

tourism services online Underutilized

tourism services online Underutilized ; Indonesia's Internet users have utilized the websites who sell tourism products as sources of information, yet to make an online purchase as it had done a global society. Bahriyansyah, Managing Director of, travel wholeseller, menyontohkan transactions and hotel reservations through a travel package online layana still rare.

"Internet users in Indonesia, according to data Kominfo number reached 45 million people but are still very few who use travel agents or hotels sportal for direct online transactions," he said today.

According to him, the cause of yet unfamiliar direct Internet users to transact online, because the managers of travel agents themselves often do not have specialized staff competent to manage his website seriously. Whereas the existing information must be kept in the update, especially in fast moving business in the tourism industry.

"In addition, consumers themselves are still reluctant to direct transactions through the Internet. Usually after browsing on the Internet to get a cool product tours, travel agents then decide which one is selected and contacted by phone and making deals in the conventional course, "he said.

To purchase tourism products through the Internet, consumers are generally conducted for online transactions plane tickets and hotel bookings because of the price offered is usually much cheaper.

"But from our own experience, only 3% of consumers who conduct transactions online, the rest comes directly or via telephone. So although the number of Internet users continues to soar, not yet a major market for travel agents to market its services products, "said Bahriyansyah.

He admitted that the online tourism business in foreign countries, especially in key markets such as the Dutch tourism Indonesia, Japan, Australia actually thrive. DG Marketing Kemenbudpar also release data that online sales in fact in great demand from foreign tourists.

In the Netherlands, travel agents TUI Nederland BV, which is the largest agency in the Netherlands reported sales of approximately 1.5 billion Euros in 2007, with 15% market share. Online sales continue to grow with a growth rate 20% higher. Total year 2008 online sales had reached a value of 2.3 billion euros. This value represents 24% of the total value of sales in 2008.

Meanwhile in Japan, selling over the Internet also continues to grow as consumers become more confident in buying the travel and tourism products online, because the site travel companies become more sophisticated, more secure and easier to use. Transactions via the Internet are expected to increase 70% in constant with the projection of up to 869 billion yen in the year 2013.

Consumers in Autralia also make reservations online in retail travel that reached 11% of the total travel retail market. But the online transaction of a flight or hotel reservations only. Now, for a more complex and value-added in packaging tourism package tourists in Australia who wanted the remains to contact travel agents.

They are increasingly looking for locations more exotic and it inspires them to travel to locations where the use of travel agents to arrange their holiday needs.

Bahriyansyah said the travel agent in Indonesia now are better positioned itself as a travel consultant and wholeseller which supplies products for travel agents, other than conduct direct sales to consumers.

"If I make hotel and flight travel agent as its main partner, and now has cut its sales channels to do it directly to consumers via the Internet. Markets must also be changed so we can follow to keep growing, "he said
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