Friday, April 13, 2012

Earning report next week april 16-22 2012

Earning report next week april 16-22 2012, earning report april 16-20 2012 : It's earnings season -- an opportunity to cash in on mispriced trades and earnings surprises. Of course, the greatest challenge is finding names that will outperform.

One of the clearest sentiment indicators comes from short-sellers. Changes in the number of shares shorted over time can give a clue as to whether investors are becoming more or less pessimistic about a company.

Shorting a share involves borrowing the share and immediately selling it with the agreement to buy it back and return it in the future. This is profitable if the share price drops, so short selling indicates a bearish (or pessimistic) view on the stock's prospect

Next week the party really starts with 155 releases from companies in the S&P 500 and Stoxx 600 indices. The major releases to look for are:

Monday april 16, 2012
Citigroup read earning estimates

Tuesday april 17, 2012
IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola, Intel, Goldman Sachs and CSX

Wednesday april 18, 2012
Qualcomm, Abbott Laboratories, American Express, eBay and BlackRock

Thursday april 19, 2012
Microsoft, Philip Morris, Verizon and Bank of America

Friday april 20 2012
General Electric, McDonald's, Schlumberger and Honeywell

For all estimates, changes in estimates and EPS growth YoY on next week's earnings releases download the attached PDF document .

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