Sunday, January 29, 2012

how to buy facebook stock 02/01/2012

how to buy facebook stock 02/01/2012 : Facebook will be launching on the New York Stock Exchange instead of the tech heavy NASDAQ as was expected. The ticker symbol is expected to be “FB"

Initial pricing talks are in the $38 to $40 per share range. Based on those numbers, Facebook would raise almost $10 billion dollars and give the company a valuation of $90 – $95 billion. The offering will certainly place the IPO in the top five, historically. There is an outside chance that Facebook may even take the top spot,

Initial pricing talks are in the $38 to $40 per share range. Based on those numbers, Facebook would raise almost $10 billion dollars and give the company a valuation of $90 – $95 billion. The offering will certainly place the IPO in the top five, historically. There is an outside chance that Facebook may even take the top spot,

Regardless, there are going to be several millionaires made on this one and certainly at least one billionaire. Some of those millionaires will be those that work in the trenches for the company. It will be interesting over time to see how synergies mesh when the millionaires meet around the water coolers. Also the Venture Capitalists (earlier the better) may profit as much as 1000%. I’ll have a complete report on that one out next week.

how to buy facebook stock 02/01/2012 ?

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