Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Two RIM employees pay a fine to Air Canada

Two RIM employees pay a fine to Air Canada ; Two RIM employees have been charged for innappropriate behaviour involving too much alcohol on a flight bound for Beijing after it was forced to divert to Vancouver.

RIM employees George Campbell and Paul Alexander each received suspended sentences and one year probation after pleading guilty of causing mischief on the flight. They have also been ordered by the court to pay a fine of $71,757 to Air Canada as it is expensive to divert flights, as reported by the Washington Post.

The two caused so much havoc on the plane that the staff was forced to restrain them and have the flight diverted to Vancouver, where they were taken under arrest. For the latest updates on the stock market, visit Stock Market Today

Air Canada, RIM employees, RIM in Canada, George Campbell, Paul Alexander
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