Saturday, March 12, 2011

greatest impact of the japan Tsunami in Commodity Market

greatest impact of the japan Tsunami in Commodity Market : The greatest impact of the Tsunami was seen in Rubber prices that crashed across nations as Tokyo Commodity Exchange's (TOCOM) rubber futures is a benchmark for global prices while Japan is the third largest oil consumer whose daily consumption of 4.4 mn barrels of oil is three times more than 1.6 mn barrels per day produced by Libya, the third largest producer of oil in North Africa.

It will take a few more days for the markets and the analysts to get to grips with the impact of Tsunami until then it will be hypothetical and speculative moves that will drive the markets. One analysis pointed out that market crash occured as large investors moved cash out of the markets in response to the Tsunami. Invesotrs can only keep their fingers crossed and hope things would return to normaly based on fundamentals.

Trying to make sense of the market crash
The several news items that have appeared on the market crashes have also not been able to point out why the crash has really occured apart from a panic reaction from investors. When Dhirubhai Ambani, the Chairman of Reliance Industries Ltd died, it lead to a crash in prices of RIL although there was nothing going to happen to the fundamentals of the company in the long run. Read More...

Japanese quake may boost commodities
Only partly and selectively, said Doug Porter, deputy chief economist, BMO Capital Markets. “It’s been a mixed response; there isn’t a clear-cut message for commodities,” he says. “First of all, all of us are trying to get a grip on the extent of the devastation and how much damage we’re talking about exactly. Read More...

E-Mini S&P 500 and battles, earthquakes and Tsunami's
The Crude Oil has come off the highs with the E-Mini S&P 500, but there are still fears of the effects of inflation playing havoc with our already fragile economic environment. The Crude Oil may remain fairly high for quite some time, perhaps the market will absorb this factor and simply focus on food prices and other costs of living today. The Initial Jobless Claims was a disappointment yesterday and the reports today were mixed. Read More...
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