Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stock Market Today up but Struggling: Don’t Invest or Trade until You Know This

Stock Market Today up but Struggling: Don’t Invest or Trade until You Know This ; Stocks took a loss in early day trading on Wednesday but managed to make up some ground as new reports on industrial production came out. This news lessened some concerns that overseas companies might be struggling. The news also boosted the S&P for the seventh session in a row. Some insiders are suggesting that investors may be more confident now as they begin to put money into riskier equities.

While investments in equities is not surging, it is steady. Some of these investors are now taking money out of fixed income assets as concerns over inflation continue. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained over 35 points, with more than half of its 30 components seeing increases on Wednesday.

The big winner so far is Caterpillar, up 2.3 percent. The S&P Index saw an increase of 2.07 points, with the big winners being in industrials. The NASDAQ climbed 14 points. On the New York Exchange, four gained for every three that fell. Volume was estimated at about 235 million.

While the indexes seem to be holding their own today, there are some concerns still being felt by investors in terms of European problems. Moody’s has announced that it may be forced to lower Spain’s current credit rating. ( Articel From )
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