Heru Sutadi, Member of the Indonesian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency, said the urge to RIM today is more to guarantee security and service rates.
"So we can monitor the substance not the messenger services [petroleum], email, or anything else from a BlackBerry, but the data and network security assurance from the BlackBerry itself," he told Business Today.
According to Heru, the regulator wants guarantees about the data information server antarpengguna BlackBerry in Indonesia can be monitored to the extent granted or not to another party, and what is important is that the BlackBerry service more affordable rates.
He explained during a server located in Canada, the regulator can not confirm whether the data transferred to third parties or not.
In the case of tariffs, for BlackBerry users in Indonesia is to bear the cost of the Indonesia-Canada network for messenger sent antarpengguna in Indonesia For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today
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