Ical and Ani, so both are familiar is called, is a name often linked. Understandably, they often rumored hostile, and ultimately chose Annie stepped down as Minister of Finance of the United Indonesia Cabinet volumes II and accepted the offer became Managing Director of the World Bank.
Ical was in Washington to witness the intent of his firstborn, Anindya N. Bakrie, who launched the Bakrie Chair for Southeast Asian Studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC, on Monday last week.
Key officials from the White House, Pentagon and U.S. President Barack Obama's family attended the show's founding. Ani was also invited, unfortunately he did not attend. If the two met, they would probably shake hands and spoken. The moment will be a photo journalist shot camera.
Bakrie Chair is a policy research program of the Bakrie Center Foundation in strategic areas such as politics, economy and social culture for the Asean region. This program aims to provide information and input weighted to international stakeholders, such as in the form of periodical publications, seminars or the lobby level of the world.
Luxury and splendor
Launching Bakrie impressed Chair luxury and splendor. Important figure of U.S. support programs that are reflected in their statements about the presence and work of the third generation of research institutions such Bakrie.
"I am pleased and supportive contribution to the international world that Bakrie introduce Indonesia with a more positive image," said Maya Soetoro, the brother of President Barack Obama.
Jeffrey Bader, the National Security Council, the White House, attended the launch. Another figure is Stapleton Roy, former U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, which holds several important positions at State.
Meanwhile, senior officials from the Pentagon in charge of Southeast Asia, Robert Scher, argues that it is a good initiative to strengthen U.S. relations with countries in Southeast Asia.
Murray Hiebert, senior director of Asia Division, International Development U.S. Chambers of Commers, Chair Bakrie said the program represents a great effort to deepen the study for the Southeast Asian region.
Deputy Ambassador of Indonesia in Washington, Salman Al Pharisees, welcomed the launch of Bakrie Chair. According to him, it is a very important breakthrough in the relations between Indonesia and the U.S.. At a dinner at The Metropolitan Club was also attended by U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, Raymond Wong.
Bakrie looked sumringah when watching his eldest son appears as a speaker at international forums. Together with his wife, Tatiek Bakrie, he's bringing the whole child, daughter and grandson. Of course, including the beautiful actress Nia Ramadhani, wife Ardi Bakrie.
Success nail stuck in the U.S., Anindya plans to open offices in Singapore and Australia, are also possible in Beijing. Now the next public relations director of the institution is seeking to lead the Washington office. Candidates are expected to youth of the nation which has an international reputation.
Founder and chairman of Bakrie Chair, Anindya N Bakrie, said Washington was chosen as the place of establishment of these institutions because the U.S. is the most important countries of Southeast Asia and Indonesia, outside China and India. In addition to problems of economic growth and trade, the United States come to play a role in maintaining stability in the region. A fleet of war (U.S. Seventh Fleet), the U.S. stationed in Southeast Asia.
In his speech, Anin rate of Southeast Asia could become a buffer zone in the constellation of competition between China and India. China has limited influence in the Northeast region. Instead India has influence in South Asia. "And we must do something," said President Director of PT Bakrie Telecom's.
According Anin, one of which became his attention is an ambiguous attitude towards Southeast Asia from the U.S.. For example, President Obama has several times postponed a visit to Indonesia and Australia. "All I can understand that because of domestic issues. The Indonesian nation can not help but certainly disappointed," he said.
Relations between Indonesia and the U.S., said Anin, a relationship of love and hate. Indonesia's young generation is very fond MTV, food, media, education and Hollywood stars.
"Madonna and Michael Jackson beat the gamelan," he said, the laughter that greeted visitors who are mostly Caucasian. But the people of Indonesia, he added, did not like the violence in Iraq and Afghanistan troops.
Asked to comment separately, J. Kristiadi, a political observer and senior researcher from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), to evaluate Bakrie family step think-tank founded the institute Chair Bakrie to expand its influence in building the reputation of all.
"The move was clearly preparation for the presidential seat. As chairman of the Golkar party, of course he [Bakrie] had a target of becoming president. Just wait a while, when it will be publicly announced," he said.
When chatting in the dimly lit atmosphere accompanied by the clatter of the Buddha Bar music, Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC, Anin explained that according to his grandfather's message, Achmad Bakrie, who founded and pioneered the Bakrie group effort-every step children and grandchildren to be done for the benefit of the wider community. Anin then quoting the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad that the provisions in the afterlife is only a good charity, beneficial knowledge and a pious child. For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today
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