Monday, July 5, 2010

Trade relations Indonesia-China should free political

Trade relations Indonesia-China should free political ; Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono, General Chairman of the Economic Cooperation Organization, Social and Culture of Indonesia-China (LIC), confirmed the bilateral trade relations with the Republic of China must be free of political elements.

"Must be free from political thoughts because politics make [trade relations] is not successful," he said in the speech reception 18th anniversary commemoration LIC, 25 Years MoU signing Direct Trade Relations Indonesia-China, and 60 years raising Indonesia-China Diplomatic Relations, tonight.

Also attending the reception a.l. Minister of Fisheries and Marine Fadel Muhammad, the Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan, and China's deputy ambassador to Indonesia Yang Lingzhu.

Sukamdani said goods from China circulating in the country, and vice versa, the products of Indonesia are also in circulation in China, it is only through third party countries namely Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.

Trade relations were assessed will benefit the parties involved are. The proof, he mentioned the trade balance data are the Indonesia-China trade relations when it reopened in 1985 was worth only U.S. $ 231 million continued to increase to nearly U.S. $ 1.48 billion after re-restored diplomatic relations in 1990.

In full diplomatic relations for 60 years, Indonesia and China called experienced ups and downs. The first tide period 1950-1967 occurred in the period when relations between the two countries friendly and affectionate. In fact, until someone calls in Jakarta Axis of Beijing.

But later, on October 30, 1967, the two countries entered a period of low tide and resulted in the freezing of diplomatic relations.

Since the LIC was formed in 1992, Sukamdani express himself with a number of the business world Homeland hand in hand with the government, China's embassy in the Indonesian socio-cultural and community organizations in China to push forward economic and socio-cultural relations.

In fact, since the RI-China strategic partnership was formed in 2005, the volume of trade both countries continued to increase to $ 31.5 billion in 2008 and down slightly due to the global crisis to $ 28.3 billion in 2009. RI listed as the second largest trade partner for China in the ASEAN 4.

Further, he expressed China's government was willing to give a direct impetus to the entrepreneur to invest in Indonesia like to CPO, coal, paper pulp, fish into finished goods for export to China and other countries.

Looking ahead, there are some expectations that are still to be achieved within the framework of Indonesia strategic partnership with China. First, China's entrepreneurs are asked to relocate the plant and build a regional automotive industry, electronics, etc..

Second, China's entrepreneurs to build power plants, toll roads, railways, bridges, ports that provide value-added and employment. Fourth, improve the import-export and tourism, especially China's tourist arrivals to the country. For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today

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