Saturday, July 10, 2010

Calvin Success Stories in Business Domain

Calvin Success Stories in Business Domain : When riots erupted in May 1998, Calvin Lukmantara chose to move to Malaysia. His company, PT Indonesian Keystone, as well as several other business, he was forced to leave. But thanks to kejeliannya see the opportunity, he became a successful player in Indonesia topnotch domain.

Post-riots, Calvin occasionally return to Indonesia to monitor the business. In that period, Calvin met his colleague who sat in the ranks of senior management at the Genting Casino, which plans to build a business in the field of online gaming.

To meet the demands of his earlier, Calvin was looking for info from the software side, the government licenses, including hosting for online gaming. It turns out not as easy as he imagined. The process is quite complicated. Because the consideration of several things, finally graduated from Mathematics Department, University of Indonesia is to ignore the offer

However, Indonesian political and security conditions make Calvin an increasingly improved steadily growing in managing an online business. With a capital of U.S. $ 200,000, he attempted to establish Company Dotcom Indonesia.

At that time, he admits that many of the convenience of the client to have the domain name. According to Calvin, before the existence of their business, many parties to make a domain name through an ISP (internet service provider) with a long, long process.

However, for her pioneering efforts was not an easy matter. To get the market, he must diligently campaigned on the importance of domain names.

He confesses his own first client who was in the business and brand owners Osella convection.

During the promotion period, Calvin claimed "me-too" set up a portal that is expected to be high value. From a number of portals that he founded, there are professionally managed. Some are simply "parked" for a while.

Armed with a number of domain names that exist in pockets, Calvin claimed a profit because the domain names that was eventually bought those in need. One of them name purchased by people who lived in a U.S. $ 5000 U.S. dollars. At points, his capital only Rp 150,000, -

Calculate have a countdown, from a business domain name is Calvin admitted obtaining revenue of about USD 100 million per month. This figure, according to Calvin, is still too small. For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today

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