Extending gains into a fourth session, its longest run in six weeks, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 48.51 points, or 0.4%, to 12,970.53. The S&P 500 Index added nearly 1 point to 1,371.7, with natural resource firms the hardest hit and utilities faring the best of the 10 major industry groups.
The Nasdaq Composite shed 4.41 points, or 0.1%, to 2,983.93. For every seven shares declining, eight gained on the New York Stock Exchange.
China reported the largest trade deficit in more than two decades, causing investors to reconsider global growth prospects and demand for commodities.
The Federal Open Market Committee releases its statement Tuesday afternoon, with investors looking for any hint of a change in the central bank's monetary policy.
Many analysts anticipate fewer moves by the Federal Reserve to support the economy after the positive February employment report released Friday. Sealy Corp.'s shares jumped 5.1% after its second-biggest shareholder asked the mattress maker to reshuffle its board and faulted Sealy's largest shareholder, private-equity firm KKR & Co., for the company's difficulties.
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