Tuesday, February 28, 2012

FTSE 100 index feb 28 2012

FTSE 100 index feb 28 2012 : Britain's FTSE 100 crept into positive territory on Tuesday, with miners tracking metal prices higher as the anticipation of cheap European Central Bank loans flooding the financial system boosted the outlook for raw materials demand and for lending.

London's blue-chip index closed up 12.36 points, or 0.2 percent, at 5,927.91, as gains were capped after weak economic data from the U.S. showed the world's biggest economy began 2012 on a slightly weaker note.

FTSE 100 volume was thin at just 85 percent of the 90-day average, meaning fund managers remained cautious about global economic conditions and were unwilling to commit fresh money to a market that has rallied some 15 percent from November lows.

Yet volatility has fallen around 20 percent this year, suggesting those that are investing have become more satisfied with the equity valuation gap perceived to have existed before the rally over the last three months.

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