Saturday, December 17, 2011

U.S stock to watch december 19 2011

U.S stock to watch december 19 2011 : Shares of the following companies may have unusual moves in U.S. trading on Dec. 19. Stock symbols are in parentheses.

Hoku Corp. (HOKU) : The Honolulu-based energy products company said Chief Financial Officer Darryl Nakamoto resigned, effective March 31.

Jakks Pacific Inc. (JAKK) : The toymaker slashed its 2011 adjusted earnings and sales forecast, citing a “difficult” retail environment for toys. Earnings will be 37 cents to 40 cents a share, compared with an earlier estimate for $1.32 to $1.35 a share.

LinkedIn Corp. (LNKD US): Prudential Financial Inc. amended a filing, reporting its stake in the biggest professional- networking website at 7.8 percent, compared with 15.9 percent reported Dec. 12.

Phoenix Cos. (PNX) : The insurer and money manager that caters to wealthy clients had the outlook on its Phoenix Life Insurance Co. raised to “positive” from “stable” by Moody’s Investors Service. For the latest updates on the stock market, visit Stock Market Today

Best stock to watch dec 19 2011, stock to buy 19/12/2011, U.S stock futures to watch december 19 2011, hot U.S stock 19/12/2011
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