Saturday, November 26, 2011

UK Recession in 2012

UK Recession in 2012 : Britain will be hit with another recession next year as the Euro crisis deepens, international experts have warned the Government. Forecasts by the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation are said to suggest that growth will be negative during the first six months of 2012 because of the single currency turmoil.

OECD Says U.K. to Fall Into Recession in 2012
The OECD last week told the British government that the economy is likely to shrink before starting to recover in the summer, the newspaper reported, citing unidentified people in Whitehall. A deeper recession is expected in continental Europe, according to the OECD, Read More..

UK headed for recession again in 2012
Britain faces entering 2012 in recession as growth figures continue to flatline, according to economic research published this week. Figures for the last three months (Q4 or fourth quarter) are expected to show the economy contracting as manufacturing – which was supposed to drive recovery – struggles and the country’s services sector, which accounts for three-quarters of the economy, is said to be faltering.

Accountancy and consultancy firm BDO LLP, which incorporates several other economic forecasts into its own, said its Output Index, which measures the next quarter expectations, fell by a full point in October to 92.6 – the lowest since the 2009 recession. Growth is 95.0 or above. Read More..

Jim Rogers predicts a new recession in 2012
Jim Rogers, the market sage, has warned the global economy is just two years away from another recession, but remains ill-prepared to cope with the after-effects. Speaking in an interview with business television channel CNBC, the septuagenarian investor said that "since the beginning of time" there has been a recession every four-to-six years, and that's mean another one is due around 2012. Read More..

NIESR Says 70% Chance Of UK Recession In 2012
NIESR director Jonathan Portes predicts a 70% chance the UK will fall back into a recession next year amid Read More..
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