Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dow Jones, S&P 500, Nasdaq futures outlook november 28 2011

Dow Jones, S&P 500, Nasdaq futures outlook november 28 2011 : Investor worries relevant to the eurozone struggles continue to pull market indices down globally. Last week was generally negative overall for primary indices. The primary U.S. stock indices closed out the last session red across the board.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished lower by .23 percent at 11,231.78. The Nasdaq closed out Friday lower by .75 percent at 2,441.51 and the S&P 500 finished the last session lower by .27 percent at 1,158.67.

The abbreviated Thanksgiving week was a bust overall for the U.S. indices. All three finished the week red overall. The market roller coaster ride will continue to jostle investors on a daily basis relevant to the eurozone debt crisis.

Stock Market Futures outlook November 28, 2011
Dow Jones Futures - Down 10
S&P 500 Futures - Down 1
Nasdaq Futures - Flat

Most recently, sovereign bond yields have kept investors on edge. Italy’s borrowing rates pushed above the 7 percent mark once again and investor anxieties heightened. Markets will continue to fluctuate this week as countries in the eurozone make headlines pertaining to debt sales. The uncertainty will persist. Investors are thankful though. Investors are thankful the last trading week is over and new possibilities, potentially and hopefully more positive, are ahead. For the latest updates on the stock market, visit Stock Market Today
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