Friday, November 25, 2011

Crude Oil prices Fundamental Analysis forecast November 28 2011

Crude Oil prices Fundamental Analysis forecast November 28 2011 : Crude oil prices rallied on Friday after a wave of optimism started to spread through European and U.S. markets amid reports EU officials are discussing more measures to ease the euro zone debt crisis, which overshadowed earlier pessimism that dominated markets after yields on Italian bonds soared after a bond auction, reflecting the ongoing concerns that the European debt crisis is worsening.

Traders will continue to monitor the developments from Europe regarding the debt crisis, where rising yields in Europe suggest investors are concerned amid the uncertainty that is surrounding the outlook of the EU debt crisis.

Our overall outlook for crude oil prices is still bearish, where expectations of slowing global growth, in addition to the uncertainty over the outlook the European debt crisis and its impact on growth in Europe are likely to keep crude oil prices under pressure over the coming period.

Monday November 28:
The United States will join the session at 13:00 GMT with the new home sales figures for October, with expectations that the number on new homes sales could retreat to 310 thousands from the previous 313 thousands, while the monthly new home sales index could have dropped by 1.0% from 2.3%. For the latest updates on the stock market, visit Source
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