2011 GDP growth figures are expected to pan out with Asia leading global growth – headed once again by China, India and Vietnam. ASEAN, however, is expected to come down slightly from earlier forecasts of 6 percent growth primarily due to the intense flooding currently devastating Thailand, one of the region’s major economies. ASEAN, with its 10 member nations (including Vietnam), is a market of some 593 million in its own right, and has recently agreed to free trade agreements with China and India.

The significant factor is the rise of India which, like China, offers two solutions to the global manufacturing supply chain: a relatively cheap labor force (although India’s is now lower than China, this can be offset by as yet still inefficient infrastructure) and a thriving domestic market.
Interestingly, both China and India’s middle classes are about the same size, at some 250 million, with about 70 million in each country having the comparable spending power of individuals in developed Western Europe. Coupled with that, the population of ASEAN is about 20 percent higher than the entire European Union, with another 25 million earning Western levels of income. That’s equivalent to a total new consumer market able to purchase high value commodities of some 165 million, or roughly half that of the entire United States.
It is partly this driver that will dictate continuing foreign investment into China, as well as India and the ASEAN bloc. The ASEAN free trade agreements with China and India indicate that a three-pronged approach to dealing with these markets should be adapted as a longer-term strategy: with a base in ASEAN to maximize corporate residency benefits, the ability to use that to trade duty-free with China and India, and additional presences in each to facilitate sales to these markets. 2012, if not already on the agenda, should now be for corporate multinationals looking to expand into growth markets and develop new sales in profit-generating territories while Western markets remain sluggish. Source www.china-briefing.com
investment outlook on China market 2012, investment outlook on India market 2012 and investment outlook on Vietnam market 2012, ASEAN free trade agreements with China and India, china gdp growth forecast 2012, asian gdp growth forecast 2012 For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today
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