Thursday, April 28, 2011

best investments for economic collapse 2011

best investments for economic collapse 2011 ; Even if you believe that everything is just fine, and that QE2 is a free lunch, the absolute size of the deficits and long term off balance sheet liabilities of the U.S. federal government have created a hidden tax on U.S. workers and savers that is benefiting those with assets at the expense of the poor and widening the wealth gap. Over the past 100 years, farming has dropped from being 40% of the workforce to just 2% of today's U.S labor market and increasingly structural issues such as disruptive technologies have made many professions obsolete.

Jacking up equity markets only makes the situation worse one might argue, as shifts to jobless business models are happening even more rapidly given unlimited new investment in technology spending. With the valuations out there for cloud computing in the 100 PE range, for example, one would be a fool not to try to aggregate large segments of the digital economy into one database in the cloud.

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