Ticker Company Performance (Week)
MOBI Sky-mobi Limited 33.97%
CHGS China GengSheng Minerals, Inc 19.62%
CYOU Changyou.com Limited 19.62%
SOHU Sohu.com Inc. 16.08%
JST Jinpan International Ltd. 13.07%
XING Qiao Xing Universal Resources, Inc. 13.01%
SINA Sina Corp. 12.90%
ASIA AsiaInfo-Linkage,Inc. 12.82%
CMM China Mass Media Corp. 11.98%
SPRD Spreadtrum Communications Inc. 11.27%
CIL China Intelligent Lighting and Electronics, Inc. 10.64%
BIDU Baidu, Inc. 10.46%
QXM Qiao Xing Mobile Communication Co., Ltd. 10.31%
SOL ReneSola Ltd. 9.92%
MR Mindray Medical International Limited 9.65%
CNGL China Nutrifruit Group Limited 9.22%
FFHL Fuwei Films (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 9.07%
JKS JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. 8.47%
YTEC Yucheng Technologies Limited 8.36%
JOBS 51job Inc. 8.32%
HSFT hiSoft Technology International Ltd. 7.93%
STP Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. 7.35%
NKBP China Nuokang Bio-Pharmaceutical Inc. 7.29%
LFT Longtop Financial Technologies Limited 7.04%
LZEN Lizhan Environmental Corporatio 6.96%
TRIT Tri-Tech Holding, Inc. 6.81%
JASO JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. 6.53%
ISS iSoftStone Holdings Limited Ame 6.43%
CMED China Medical Technologies Inc. 6.37%
SCR Simcere Pharmaceutical Group. 6.30%
PTR PetroChina Co. Ltd. 6.18%
COGO Cogo Group, Inc. 6.14%
SNP China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. 6.06%
SMI Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. 5.95%
SFUN SouFun Holdings Ltd. 5.56%
CTC IFM Investments Limited 5.32%
UTSI UTStarcom, Inc. 5.29%
HPJ Hong Kong Highpower Technology, Inc. 5.17%
YGE Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. 4.97%
STV China Digital TV Holding Co., Ltd. 4.72%
LDK LDK Solar Co., Ltd. 4.48%
TSL Trina Solar Ltd. 4.39%
BITA Bitauto Holdings Limited Americ 4.38%
ALN American Lorain Corporation 4.36%
SSRX 3SBio Inc. 4.28%
ACH Aluminum Corporation Of China Limited 4.22%
PUDA Puda Coal Inc. 4.02%
CWS China Wind Systems, Inc. 3.99%
SVA Sinovac Biotech Ltd. 3.98%
XNY China Xiniya Fashion Limited Am 3.97%
CNTF China Techfaith Wireless Communication Technology Ltd. 3.74%
CSUN China Sunergy Co. Ltd. 3.66%
NTES Netease.com Inc. 3.62%
KONE Kingtone Wirelessinfo Solution Holding Ltd. 3.44%
EJ E-House (China) Holdings Limited 3.40%
AMCN AirMedia Group Inc. 3.24%
YOKU Youku.com Inc. American Deposit 3.18%
SHP ShangPharma Corporation America 3.07%
NED Noah Education Holdings, Ltd. 3.03%
SUTR Sutor Technology Group Limited 3.00%
SHZ China Shen Zhou Mining & Resources, Inc. 2.88%
NTE Nam Tai Electronics, Inc. 2.87%
OSN Ossen Innovation Co., Ltd. 2.82%
CHC China Hydroelectric Corporation 2.77%
GAME Shanda Games Limited 2.70%
GRRF China GrenTech Corp. Ltd. 2.60%
SVN 7 Days Group Holdings Limited 2.58%
CCSC Country Style Cooking Restaurant Chain Co., Ltd. 2.47%
BONA Bona Film Group Limited 2.46%
CXDC China XD Plastics Company Ltd. 2.28%
VISN VisionChina Media Inc. 2.18%
MY China Ming Yang Wind Power Grou 2.06%
CTE SinoTech Energy Limited 2.05%
FEED AgFeed Industries, Inc. 2.02%
CTRP Ctrip.com International Ltd. 1.99%
CISG Cninsure Inc. 1.93%
GSH Guangshen Railway Co. Ltd. 1.88%
HEAT SmartHeat Inc. 1.83%
SCOK SinoCoking and Coke Chemical Industries, Inc. 1.81%
VIT VanceInfo Technologies Inc. 1.80%
AOB American Oriental Bioengineering Inc. 1.75%
CHRM Charm Communications Inc. 1.75%
SCEI Sino Clean Energy Inc 1.67%
XUE Xueda Education Group American 1.63%
CBEH China Integrated Energy, Inc. 1.57%
JRJC China Finance Online Co. Ltd. 1.40%
HNP Huaneng Power International Inc. 1.22%
SHI Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co. Ltd. 1.22%
GSI General Steel Holdings, Inc. 1.19%
FUQI Fuqi International, Inc. 1.19%
HRBN Harbin Electric, Inc. 1.12%
SOLF Solarfun Power Holdings Co. Ltd. 1.05%
GEDU Global Education & Technology G 0.93%
ZNH China Southern Airlines Co. Ltd. 0.85%
CGA China Green Agriculture, Inc. 0.85%
PWRD Perfect World Co., Ltd. 0.79%
YZC Yanzhou Coal Mining Co. Ltd. 0.66%
SPU SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc. 0.61%
SNDA Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd. 0.50%
ATAI ATA, Inc. 0.40%
CEDU ChinaEdu Corporation 0.39%
TCM Tongjitang Chinese Medicines Co. 0.23%
LFC China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 0.07%
KONG Kongzhong Corp. 0.00%
ATV Acorn International, Inc. 0.00%
ACTS Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 0.00%
CPC Chemspec International Limited 0.00%
WH WSP Holdings Ltd. 0.00%
XIN Xinyuan Real Estate Co., Ltd. 0.00%
TBV Tiens Biotech Group USA Inc. -0.01%
DEER Deer Consumer Products, Inc. -0.09%
SEED Origin Agritech Limited -0.10%
SYSW SYSWIN Inc. American Depositary -0.14%
WX WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc. -0.18%
NOAH Noah Holdings Ltd. American Dep -0.19%
CEA China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd. -0.26%
THTI THT Heat Transfer Technology, Inc. -0.27%
YONG Yongye International, Inc. -0.27%
HOLI Hollysys Automation Technologies, Ltd -0.31%
GPRC Guanwei Recycling Corp. -0.33%
CHLN China Housing and Land Development, Inc. -0.38%
XRS TAL Education Group American De -0.38%
CNIT China Information Technology, Inc. -0.44%
ZOOM ZOOM Technologies, Inc. -0.49%
EDU New Oriental Education & Technology Group -0.51%
BSPM Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -0.53%
CIIC China Infrastructure Investment Corp. -0.63%
LTON Linktone Ltd. -0.67%
NINE Ninetowns Internet Technology Group Company Limited -0.70%
LIWA Lihua International, Inc. -0.75%
SGOC SGOCO Group, Ltd -0.82%
RCON Recon Technology, Ltd. -0.92%
LONG eLong Inc. -0.94%
MCOX Mecox Lane Limited -1.03%
JNGW Jingwei International Limited -1.03%
PSOF Pansoft Company Limited -1.04%
CHOP China Gerui Advanced Materials Group Ltd. -1.19%
SDTH Shengdatech, Inc. -1.20%
CAAS China Automotive Systems Inc. -1.22%
CBPO China Biologic Products, Inc. -1.23%
WATG Wonder Auto Technology, Inc. -1.24%
GA Giant Interactive Group, Inc. -1.28%
CTFO China TransInfo Technology Corp. -1.29%
NEP China North East Petroleum Holdings Limited -1.32%
RDA RDA Microelectronics, Inc. -1.34%
KEYP Keyuan Petrochemicals, Inc. -1.53%
CHA China Telecom Corp. Ltd. -1.55%
CVVT China Valves Technology, Inc. -1.78%
VIMC Vimicro International Corp. -1.82%
EFUT e-Future Information Technology Inc. -1.87%
KH China Kanghui Holdings -1.96%
CRTP China Ritar Power Corp. -1.96%
WWIN Winner Medical Group Inc. -2.05%
CAEI China Architectural Engineering, Inc. -2.10%
GU Gushan Environmental Energy Limited -2.22%
CNYD China Yida Holding, Co. -2.38%
HOGS Zhongpin, Inc. -2.42%
TSTC Telestone Technologies Corp. -2.49%
CALI China Auto Logistic Inc. -2.60%
WUHN Wuhan General Group (China) Inc. -2.61%
GFRE Gulf Resources, Inc. -2.64%
CRIC China Real Estate Information Corporation -2.67%
CREG China Recycling Energy Corp -2.69%
FTLK Funtalk China Holdings Limited -2.93%
NPD China Nepstar Chain Drugstore Ltd. -3.11%
CSR China Security & Surveillance Technology, Inc. -3.22%
ONP Orient Paper Inc. -3.23%
QKLS QKL Stores Inc. -3.34%
TPI Tianyin Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. -3.38%
AMAP AutoNavi Holdings Limited -3.48%
CBAK China BAK Battery, Inc. -3.48%
ZSTN ZST Digital Networks, Inc. -3.51%
CNET ChinaNet Online Holdings, Inc. -3.66%
FSIN Fushi Copperweld, Inc. -3.70%
HMIN Home Inns & Hotels Management Inc. -3.79%
SKBI Skystar Bio Pharmaceutical Company -3.81%
NFEC NF Energy Saving Corp. -3.85%
CCIH ChinaCache International Holdings Ltd. -3.86%
AUTC AutoChina International Ltd. -4.11%
DANG E-Commerce China Dangdang Inc. -4.42%
SIHI SinoHub, Inc. -4.43%
DL China Distance Education Holdings Limited -4.78%
BEST Shiner International, Inc. -4.83%
NIV NIVS IntelliMedia Technology Group, Inc. -5.14%
CELM China Electric Motor, Inc. -5.22%
CEU China Education Alliance Inc. -5.22%
SORL SORL Auto Parts, Inc. -5.28%
CFSG China Fire & Security Group, Inc. -5.45%
APWR A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. -5.55%
ORS Orsus Xelent Technologies Inc. -5.56%
AMCF Andatee China Marine Fuel Services Corporation -5.61%
NCTY The9 Limited -5.76%
LPH Longwei Petroleum Investment Holding Limited -5.80%
CHBT China-Biotics, Inc. -5.83%
CBP Renhuang Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -6.04%
CCM Concord Medical Services Holdings Limited -6.05%
DHRM Dehaier Medical Systems Limited -6.12%
VALV Shengkai Innovations, Inc. -6.48%
UTA Universal Travel Group -6.49%
GRO Agria Corporation -6.74%
CHNG China Natural Gas, Inc. -7.14%
DGW Duoyuan Global Water Inc. -7.31%
DYP Duoyuan Printing, Inc. -7.50%
CABL China Cablecom Holdings, Ltd. -7.85%
CIS Camelot Information Systems Inc. -8.10%
CSKI China Sky One Medical, Inc. -8.29%
YUII Yuhe International, Inc. -8.38%
BORN China New Borun Corporation -8.50%
CAGC China Agritech Inc. -9.02%
AMBO Ambow Education Holding Ltd. -9.06%
CPHI China Pharma Holdings, Inc. -9.40%
HTHT China Lodging Group, Limited -9.44%
NOEC New Oriental Energy & Chemical Corp -9.47%
JGBO Jiangbo Pharmaceuticals, Inc -9.71%
HGSH China HGS Real Estate, Inc. -9.93%
KUTV Ku6 Media Co., Ltd. -9.96%
SBAY Subaye, Inc. -10.66%
KNDI Kandi Technologies, Corp -10.76%
ADY American Dairy Inc. -12.58%
CMFO China Marine Food Group Limited -13.79%
CTEK Clean Tech Innovations -13.90%
XSELD Xinhua Sports & Entertainment L -14.00%
NWD New Dragon Asia Corp. -14.29%
OINK Tianli Agritech, Inc. -16.10%
RINO RINO International Corporation -16.61%
LAS Lentuo International Inc. Ameri -17.03%
KUN China Shenghuo Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc. -20.81% For the latest updates PRESS CTR + D or visit Stock Market news Today
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