Friday, January 28, 2011

Stock market prediction for 2011 Jan 31-Feb 4 Astro stock tips

Stock market prediction for 2011 Jan 31-Feb 4 Astro stock tips : Weekly planetary position: During the week, Moon will be transiting in Sagittarius, Capricorn & Aquarius. Rahu, Venus & Pluto in Sagittarius. Mercury, Sun & Mars in Capricorn. Ketu in Gemini. Saturn in Virgo. Jupiter & Uranus in Pisces. Neptune in Aquarius.

We have been issuing caution for the last 2 months about deception & market behavior. Now with the change in planet mercury, worst is over & markets would stabilise.

Come out of discomfort zone & start bottom fishing in banking / financial stocks.

Sectors which get strong ASTRO support are not normally affected by downfall in the market.

Be extra cautious

New Samvat 2067 (Hindu New Year) have started from 16th march 2010. Whenever New Samvat starts, based on planetary position / conjunction & aspect among planets, some new sectors commence out performing & many sectors, which were in momentum during last samvat start under performing.

It has been observed many times that investors / traders (not knowing this fact) keep investing /trading in such sectors,( whose astrological support is over) – resulting in losses.

For example, sugar stocks (which were predicted by us 19 months back) have been in down trend after the New Samvat started, whereas Nifty is making new 130 weeks high. Similarly, despite all possible support & great future plans /huge investments by government in infrastructure, substantial orders, excellent results- this sector is under performing during current samvat.

It is advised to be extra cautious every year, when new samvat starts & consult your financial astrologer before taking any investment/ trading decisions about sectors.

Disclaimer: The views and investment tips expressed by investment experts/astrologers on are their own, and not that of the website or its management. advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions.
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