Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shirley Hudson trading system

Shirley Hudson trading system : Shirley Hudson of Monroe, Washington, has discovered a Forex trading system that has allowed her to trade Forex all year long with just 10 losses. She has decided to share her winning Forex method that boasts 90% accuracy since January 2010.

Currex Investment Services Inc. aka Forexmentor, the leading Forex education provider, has just released a new Forex trading system titled London Close Forex, developed by Shirley Hudson of Monroe, Washington. Shirley's system has won an impressive 90.39% of trades this year. Shirley is a very busy person as a mother, grandmother and realtor. She wanted a way to make her money work for her and was only able to commit a couple hours a day to trading.

Each day Shirley trades
between 7am and 10am P.S.T. during the time when the London market closes, hence the name London Close Forex. What separates this Forex course from others is that it is a complete methodology and details exactly how Shirley approaches her trading day and each of the steps that she goes through.

The Foreign Exchange market is the largest financial market in the world with an estimated 3 trillion dollars changing hands each day. A little over 10 years ago it was only the large banks that traded currencies, in recent years the Forex market has become increasingly popular among home based traders.

Shirley's journey
wasn't easy, she struggled for over 3 years before discovering her strategy which has been turning heads among veteran traders. Forexmentor's coach Vic Noble worked with Shirley during the early years as she was experimenting with trading and now considers her his most successful student. Says Vic, "It's so incredibly impressive that she's been able to take the information and develop her own style of trading. You won't believe how good it is."

Here's what is included in Shirley & Vic's London Close Trading System:

* The Theory behind the Strategy
* The London Close Set Up
* Trade Entry
* Setting the Stop Loss
* Profit Targets and Trade Management
* Setting Up Your Trading Day
* Tips & Tricks

The London Close Forex tutorials cover a lot of materials that will take the average person about a week to go through. As the vast majority of new traders lose money and quit within the first 2 years, this is a very exciting opportunity for beginner to intermediate traders to beat the learning curve.
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