Sunday, January 23, 2011

The second last straw in affordable housing market rankings worldwide

The second last straw in affordable housing market rankings worldwide : Sydney ranks as the second-most-unaffordable housing market in the English-speaking world, stoking fears runaway price increases have made Australia a less equitable country.

Sydney was ahead of only Hong Kong in a survey which ranked 325 markets by their affordability. Melbourne came in at No. 321 and the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast also rated badly.

The Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey covering markets in six English-speaking nations and Hong Kong found that the ratio of house prices to median annual household income was 9.6 in Sydney. It put the median house price at $634,300 and median income $66,200.

Hong Kong had an income/house price ratio of 11.4, while Saginaw, in Michigan, US, ranked No. 1 with 1.6. Demographia, a US-New Zealand anti-regulation group, considers markets with a median multiple of three or less "affordable", while those with 5.1 or more are considered "severely unaffordable". All major markets in Australia were considered "severely unaffordable'', the report concluded.

A US geographer and author, Joel Kotkin, said that even after the housing bubble implosion in the US and Britain beginning in 2008, the ratio of home prices to incomes has continued to grow in major cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, London, Vancouver and Toronto.

"Perhaps most remarkable has been the shift in Australia, once the exemplar of modestly priced, high-quality middle-class housing, to now the most unaffordable housing market in the English-speaking world," said Mr Kotkin.

"The real issue is affordability, and Australia has gone from a middle-class paradise in that regard into a more stratified society - just as we find in the UK and parts of the US."

Demographia's latest report comes as Australian home prices are expected to show little growth this year, after a period of double-digit annual growth driven by the slow pace of construction approvals, immigration and an economy that hasn't experienced a recession in almost 20 years.

The rankings were compiled by Demographia from housing industry reports and census data.

'Severely unaffordable'

The Demographia report showed Australian cities
shared the mantle of “severely unaffordable” with American, Canadian, British and New Zealand cities.

Brisbane's affordability trailed London’s so-called exurbs, which stretch into neighbouring counties in east and southeast England. Queensland’s capital ranked 303 in terms of affordability, with an income/house price ratio of 6.6 per cent while the English markets were 297, with a ratio of 6.5 times.

The median house price in Brisbane was $447,500, while the median household income was $67,900.

Perth, ranked 291, with a 6.3 ratio, based on a $480,000 houses with a median household income of $75,700, lower than the New York City areas, which scored 289 on the list.
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