Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cost of a Good Cup Of Coffee

There are a number of issues in asking that sort of question and I should like to offer an explanation. One issue here is who is drinking the coffee. Is it an instant coffee, although many people do not classify instant as a coffee.

The next issue is how old are the coffee beans?

Who roasted the beans and to what degree of roast are they.

Now we come to personal taste. There are places around that have been set up as coffee houses.

You know their names. Some even offer donuts. But I am not here to talk about donuts just the price of a cup of coffee.

In the supermarkets you can purchase a kilo of canned blended ground coffee at varying prices. These cans are usually a mixture of different beans roasted to different grades to give them that particular flavor.

And then there are great coffee beans, which you can purchase direct from a farm such as Kona Coffee.

Kona Coffee is 100% Kona Coffee Beans of a very specific size. Grown only on the west coast of Hawaii.

Kona coffee beans with its certification of being 100% is of a higher initial cost. But like everything else that is 100% and certified cost a little more to get the best.

If you make a cup of canned supermarket coffee at home, that will likely cost about 10 cents a cup. Buy that same cup of coffee in a "coffee house" and you will very likely pay $1.95 to $3.00 a cup and get a refill, maybe.

Make a good gourmet coffee from beans at home, that cost will be about twenty five to fifty cents per cup and that same cup of gourmet coffee in your local "coffee house" will very likely cost you $3.50 to $7.00 a cup and the next, and the next one too, the same price without refills.

Anyway, you can buy a can of ground coffee and pay for what you get, or you can get a gourmet coffee and get what you pay for, a really great tasting and aromatic cup of premium coffee taste
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