Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The prospect of money market funds in 2011Keeping your finances with Money Market Fund

The prospect of money market funds in 2011Keeping your finances with Money Market Fund : You're new as an investor and want to try to invest into mutual funds? What is the most suitable type? Generally, novice investors still lay on the investment instruments that are still afraid of the volatility of capital markets.

For that money market funds can be an option, mutual fund of this kind does not mean that mutual fund investors who place assets in multiple currencies or a variety of forex derivatives. In contrast, money market funds is a mutual fund that puts all of the assets of investors in money market instruments. Then the so-called money market instruments? Are debt securities with maturities of less than a year, for example, Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI), deposits and can also bond for maturity of less than one year. With the contents of the portfolio of money market funds into mutual funds that are relatively the most secure. Mutual funds are suitable for beginners who are still attached to the deposit, but want to try investing in mutual funds.

Money market funds have several advantages that quite interesting. First, mutual funds generally have higher yields than deposito.Harap in mind, the deposit interest is taxable at 20%, while mutual funds are tax-free instruments. Second, money market funds have high liquidity, subscription (purchase units of mutual funds) or redemption (redemption of mutual fund units) can be done at any time and without cost. With these characteristics of the investor can try to use money market funds to replace deposito.Walau Accordingly, investors should not forget that the mutual fund is an investment instrument, so different from the deposits at the bank.

Deposit in Indonesia is still guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (DIC) if in accordance with applicable regulations. Although most of the contents of deposits, money market funds is never guaranteed. Generally, when buying mutual funds, investors get a number of investment units. Investment units will not change if investors do not do subscription / redemption. To know the advantages and disadvantages to the investor-owned units by multiplying the NAV / UP (net asset value / unit of its shares), mutual funds are published daily in the media. Especially for the money market funds NAV / UP is always because every day 1,000 mutual funds distribute profits directly converted into investment units. Thus, in money market funds generally everyday investors participating units continue to grow.

If you want to realize profits, the investor may sell part or all of units owned. Money market mutual fund industry also continues to grow, until the end of October 2010 there were 24 mutual fund money markets with funds under management of Rp7, 5 trillion. Funds managed by money market types including small indeed when compared with funds managed equity fund that reaching Rp43, 66 trillion, misalnya.Namun, the growth in funds under management in 2010 money market funds grew 46.84%, far exceeding the growth of mutual fund shares grew 4.45%.

In choosing a money market fund investors must consider several factors, one of them managed fund. Funds managed by at least according to Bapepam-LK is Rp25 billion, if less than this value then a mutual fund can be liquidated or dissolved. The greater the level of funds under management also reflects investor confidence in mutual funds. In addition, a large managed fund is also good for the liquidity of mutual funds. Then how the performance of money market funds in Indonesia? From the table above can be seen the performance of money market funds average are higher than deposit interest guarantee (currently 7% withholding tax of 20% so netnya 5.6%). Even so, keep in mind, money market funds also have advantages: it can withdrawn at any time without penalty.

The prospect of money market funds in 2011
was still bright. The yield on money market funds in the next year is slightly down because the tax rules of the bonds by 5% for mutual funds began to be applied. However, interest rates were expected to grow thin in the next year, bond yields plus a 1-year tenured who currently range in 6.3% so that the performance of money market funds is estimated to reach 6% in 2011. Money market funds are suitable for novice investors or investors who want to preserve the value of money in the short term (less than 1 year), high liquidity and yields on deposit equivalent to one of the attractions of this fund.

The risk, mutual funds are lower than most other types of mutual funds, but not without risk. When instruments such as deposits or bonds purchased have failed to pay, of course fund investors can participate evaporate. Investors are expected to consider the objectives, duration and risk when making decisions investing investasi.Happy
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